Eid-e-Milad un-Nabi, Celebrated by Islamic Studies

Islam is a religion of peace. Following the path of our beloved Prophet will lead you to a heaven of peace with total perfection. Speakers were saying this on the occasion of Eid-e-Milad un-Nabi, celebrated by Islamic Studies department (IS) of The People’s University of Bangladesh (PUB). In a religiously befitting manner, IS department observed this day with Prof. Dr. Shamima Nasrin Shahed (Member Secretary, Board of Trustees) as the chief guest, Prof. Jagadis Chandra Sukla Das (Acting Vice Chancellor), Abu Bakr Siddique (Registrar), Heads of Departments, and students participated in the occasion. This event was chaired by Dr. Md. Helal Uddin, Chairman, Dept. of Islamic Studies.

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